About Bug...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Pumpkin Pickin' Time...

Every year the student's at Bugs school get to pick a pumpkin to bring home. The pumpkins are grown by the prisoners at Utah State Prison and then donated to local schools and orignazations. They are delivered by officers to the various locations. Apparently Bug took it upon herself to "thank" them with a big hug!

Corrections officer Bill Tuttle gets a hug from Rachel Snow as she searches for her favorite pumpkin, Teacher Specialist Jenni Eyre is at left walking with her. Kids at Jordan School District's Kauri Sue Hamilton School for children with multiple disabilities pick out their own pumpkins Monday, Oct. 24, 2011 that were grown and donated by prisoners at the Utah State Prison, Corrections officers brought them and set them out for the kids.



Some of the donated pumpkins were painted by the prisioners.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fun at the State Fair...

 Emma, Elijah, and I went to the State Fair with Rachel and her class last Friday. It's always an enjoyable time going on Community Base with all the kids and their teachers. It's quite the event getting all the kids and their chairs on the bus.
 So with on maps in hand we set out on our adventure.

Elijah's future ride!?!
Elijah and the Emu

Most of the kids loved seeing the animals, a few were afraid of the cows.

Just couldn't help putting the "children in the pens" especially after reading the sign.

 It was a hot day and the kids were tired and ready to leave.
 This little guy decided to kick his feet up and relax, not something you can generally do on the bus.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Saving Dinner - Fundraising Program

Thank you for your support  for Rachel and the TSAlliance.We are currently participating in a new and exciting online fundraiser with Saving Dinner! Saving Dinner’s fundraiser is unique in that their mission is to promote healthy eating habits in adults and children and to help solve what’s for dinner with innovative meal planning solutions! With this unique fundraiser you just visit my link and choose between custom fundraiser packages and gift certificates to SavingDinnerShop.com. All products are available for instant download upon purchase!Would you please help our effort by visiting my fundraiser site at: http://www.savingdinner.com/348.html. I really appreciate your help!
Thank you, Lorie

For information on Tuberous Sclerosis and the TSAlliance click on this link http://tsalliance.org/

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Locks of Love...

Today we took Bug to get a hair cut. We are donating 10 inches to Locks of Love. Three years we donated 12 inches. I wish my hair grew that fast.

Monday, July 11, 2011

On going fundraiser

We have signed up with Saving Dinner to have an  fundraiser for Rachel and the TSAlliance. Please go to the link below to check out this wonderful program and sign up with us. They are very generous and 60% of the money will go to the TSAlliance. Please pass this onto your friends and post the link below on facebook and your blogs. Let's support the work for a cure.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Typical Tween...

Her chipped tooth is compliments of 2 seizures in one week that knocked it out, both times. We are just glad that the dentist could put it back in.
Apparently Bug wants to get in on the action. She has decided that it's her turn to answer the phone, the only problem is that she doesn't get past "hi", just a lot of heavy breathing after.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Step Forward To Cure...

This morning we headed to Liberty Park to participate in the annual TSA walk. It was a beautiful day. The walk began with a look at two fire trucks. We raised $400.00 to donate this year. Next year we would like to increase that amount.

"This is not my idea of fun"